Parental Views
Please find below the results of the recent parent questionnaires that was available during parents evening on the 6th and 14th of November 2019 and via Microsoft Forms in January 2023.
Thank you to all the parents who took the time to complete a questionnaire and make comments. Your views of the school help us to know what you think and from this we can try and improve certain areas.
If parents do have anything they need to discuss with the school then please feel free to contact us in person, by phone or by email to
The views of parents and carers are important to the school. We use your views to help us with school development planning and improvement. Parents are always welcome to speak directly with the school and complete our parent questionnaires. The governors of The Dove Federation would welcome parental opinion via Parent View, an online questionnaire linked to Heath Fields Primary School. To use Parent View, please follow the link.