Sponsored December Reindeer Dash29 November 2021 (by Nikki Shenton (nshenton)) |
Christmassy fun in PE
Heath Fields pupils are going to be taking part in a 'Reindeer Dash' in their PE lessons during Monday 13th December to Friday 17th December 2021. Hopefully it will be fun as well as importantly rasing money for Treetops Hospice to help provide bereavement care for local children and their families when someone special to them has died.
Each child will receive a set of antlers to take part in their PE dash and a thank you certificate on completion of their dash.
Your child will bring home with them before Friday this week a sponsor form, we hope each reindeer will try to raise at least £3 sponsorship money.
When sending sponsor money into school, cash needs to be counted please and put into a sealed envelope with your child's sponsor form, clearly labelled on the envelope your child's name and the amount raised. Alternatively if you wish to send in a cheque with the sponsor form please make the cheque payable to 'Treetops Hospice Trust'.
All money raised will need to be sent into school to the PE department - Mrs Shenton